Update interview
Update an interview
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
The list of attendees for this interview
The id of the application if the attendee is the candidate
The email address if they are an external guest
, candidate
, guest
The user id of the attendee if they are a user
The datetime the interview ends at
The address of the interview if onsite.
The user id of the organiser
The datetime the interview starts at
The timezone of the interview start and end date
The title of the event.
, online
, on_site
The online link to the meeting if any.
, event_named_hangout
, event_hangout
, unknown
, skype_for_consumer
, skype_for_business
, teams_for_business
The id of the application. Format app_1a2b3c
The id of the candidate. Format can_1a2b3c
The list of attendees for this interview
The id of the application if the attendee is the candidate. Format app_1a2b3c
The id of the interview. Format attd_1a2b3c
, pending
, maybe
, declined
, candidate
, guest
The user id of the attendee if they are a user. Format usr_1a2b3c
The datetime the interview ends at
The address of the interview if onsite.
The user id of the organiser
The datetime the interview starts at
, past
, cancelled
The timezone of the interview start and end date
The title of the event.
, online
, on_site
The id of the interview. Format int_1a2b3c
The id of the job. Format job_1a2b3c
, event_named_hangout
, event_hangout
, unknown
, skype_for_consumer
, skype_for_business
, teams_for_business
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